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Community Development

Current Planning


Current planning focuses on the review and the provision of recommendations on land development and design proposals by private property owners and governmental agencies. Planning staff provides recommendations and analyses to the Planning Commission and City Council on these land development and design proposals. Other functions of current planning is to review construction plans and land development plans for conformance with the City’s zoning requirements and administer the environmental review process in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

The Planning Division also processes Site Plan Review Permits, Noise Permits, Temporary Use Permits, Tree Removal Permits, Use Permits, Development Plans, Tentative Maps, General Plan and Specific Plan amendments, annexations, Variances, Lot Line Adjustments and Mergers, and Sign Permits.

For additional information on the development processes in Clayton, see the Development Handbook.

The Zoning Ordinance, which is part of the Clayton Municipal Code, functions as the City’s main tool for implementing the policies, goals, and objectives that are outlined in the General Plan. The Zoning Ordinance contains information on development standards such as setbacks, lot coverage, fence regulations, accessory buildings and structures, allowed uses, amongst other information.

This list contains the current status of all active development projects under review by the City.

Project specific environmental documents released for public review or that have been adopted/certified by the City.

Community Development Contact Information

Community Development Director

Telephone: (925) 673-7300
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
                 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Please email to schedule an appointment.

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