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Assessment Districts

The City of Clayton administers a handful of assessment districts addressing a variety of issues such street lighting, sewer lines, and landscaping. An assessment district is created to finance improvements when no other source of money is available and is often formed to build roads, install water and sewer and other infrastructure or services. See below for additional information and resources on Clayton’s assessment districts.
Street Lighting
Oak Street Bridge
High Street Bridge
The High Street Permanent Road Division was formed in 1999 to provide a mechanism for the included property owners to reimburse the City for funds advanced for the reconstruction of the High Street Bridge over Mitchell Creek. A portion of the annual levy is set aside to provide funding for the maintenance of the bridge.
The City agreed to pay for half of the cost of the bridge and the remainder was to be paid by the properties within the Division. The former Clayton Redevelopment Agency (now the “Successor Agency”) funded the reconstruction of the bridge and repayment was to occur over 30 years with a 6% interest rate.
Oak Street Sewer
The Oak Street Sewer Assessment District was formed to undertake the installation of sanitary sewers and laterals within the Oak Street neighborhood. The City issued and sold bonds to provide the funding for the formation of the district and construction of the sewers.
The first assessment was levied in FY 2003/04 and the final assessment will be levied in FY 2026/27. Annually an Engineer’s report is prepared to recommend to the City Council the appropriate amount of annual assessments to be levied on each lot within the Assessment District.
Lydia Lane Sewer
This Assessment District was formed to undertake the installation of sanitary sewers and laterals in the Lydia Lane and Verna Way area south of Clayton Road. The City issued and sold bonds to provide the funding for the formation of the district and construction of the sewers. The first assessment was levied in FY 2002/03 and the final assessment will be levied in FY 2031/32. Annually an Engineer’s report is prepared to recommend to the City Council the appropriate amount of annual assessments to be levied on each lot within the Assessment District.
Diablo Estates
A Benefit Assessment District (BAD) was established for the 24-lot Diablo Estates project for the oversight and maintenance of facilities such as stormwater treatment facilities, storm drain collection system, common area landscaping and irrigation, private street lighting, and weed abatement of natural slope areas.