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Click here for the Notice of Availability of surplus land on Clayton Road near Peacock Creek Drive.
The State of California has declared the availability of housing of statewide importance to the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the state and it is the policy of the state to provide a decent home and suitable living environment for every California family.
The mission of the Housing Division is to encourage a range of housing opportunities to support the Clayton community and is responsible for creating, preserving, and managing the City’s supply of affordable housing.
The Housing Division achieves its goals through the implementation of the City Council’s policies within the City’s Housing Element, which include working to facilitate the private development of new affordable ownership and rental housing and implementing the City’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance.
Affordable Housing
As required by the City’s Housing Element, the Community Development Department maintains and annually updates the inventory of all affordable housing units within the City of Clayton.
The City does not maintain a waiting list of persons interested in occupying or purchasing an affordable housing unit in Clayton. If interested in such a possibility, it is recommended the affordable housing unit property owner be contacted directly to find out how to apply and/or be placed on their waitlist. For certain affordable housing units associated with the City’s financial support, the City must certify the annual income eligibility of any household pursing ownership of that affordable housing unit.
Looking for affordable housing?
The Bay Area has some of the highest cost housing in the nation. There are nonprofits and government programs dedicated to providing access to affordable housing in the State of California.
Housing Resources
Community Housing and Homeless Prevention Resources
Please visit the links below to find additional resources for housing and other services in Contra Costa County.
- County and State homebuyer assistance programs
- Emergency Housing, Health & Social Services (Contra Costa 211)
- Foreclosure Prevention Assistance and State of California Hardship & Foreclosure Assistance
- Guide to California Tenant/Landlord Rights & Responsibilities and Tenant’s Rights Basics
- California Fair Housing and Employment Act and California Civil Rights Department
- Contra Costa County Office of Education Youth Services
- Homeless Veteran Services
- Shelter Inc.
Senior Housing Information
Diamond Terrace
Diamond Terrace is an independent senior living facility with low-income units subsidized by the former Clayton Redevelopment Agency (now the “Successor Housing Agency”). For additional information regarding the facility and unit availability, please contact Diamond Terrace directly.
Diamond Terrace
6401 Center Street
(925) 524-5100
Inclusionary Housing
Inclusionary housing has been a successful tool for the creation of affordable housing units and has been in practice in the State of California and elsewhere since the 1970s. Inclusionary housing typically requires developers to set aside units and sell them for below market rate. These programs also help to reduce segregation of affordable and market-rate housing.
State law requires local governments to identify and plan for existing and projected housing needs of all economic segments of the community within their Housing Elements. The City’s Housing Element identified an Implementation Measure to require residential projects of ten or more units to develop an Affordable Housing Plan requiring ten percent of those units as affordable to very low- and low-income households. In order to fully implement the City’s Housing Element, the City adopted an Inclusionary Housing Ordinance in July 2016 detailing the process and the standards for the City and developers to follow. The Inclusionary Housing Ordinance requires at least ten percent of the units as affordable and to either provide the units onsite, offsite, or to pay an in-lieu fee. The Inclusionary Housing Ordinance is only applicable to home ownership units and does not apply to rental units.
Contact Information
Community Development Director
Telephone: (925) 673-7300
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Wednesday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Please email to schedule an appointment