Community Development

Regional Planning

The City of Clayton participates in regional planning issues such as housing, transportation, and resources conservation.

CEMEX: Reclamation Plan Amendment

Contra Costa County has received an application for a Reclamation Plan Amendment from CEMEX Construction.  The application includes a revised Reclamation Plan for Clayton Quarry, which requires amendments to its current land use, drainage, and encroachment entitlements to allow for current state reclamation standards to be achieved during reclamation and updated grading and drainage plans.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION & DOCUMENTS: To view project description, environmental documents, notice of completion, and state comments regarding the project – scroll bottom of linked web page to view documents Attachments.

CEMEX WEBSITE: CEMEX Construction, the Applicant of the Project, created a visual website in an attempt to explain the reclamation amendments.

  • April 15,  2020: Notice of Preparation (NOP) Comment Period Deadline
    • The County released the NOP for the Clayton Quarry on February 14, with comments initially requested by March 16, 2020.  Due to a shelter in place order and restrictions on meeting group sizes, the County’s scheduled March 16 meeting to receive verbal comments on the NOP was held, but with limitations, so the County extended the NOP comment period to 60 days, April 15, 2020. E-mailed comments will be accepted if received by 5 PM – April 15 to

Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG)

ABAG is the regional planning agency for the San Francisco Bay Area and is comprised of nine counties and 101 cities.  ABAG was created to meet local government’s needs related to land use, environmental and water resource protection, disaster resilience, energy efficiency and hazardous waste mitigation, and to provide risk management.

Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)

MTC is the transportation planning, financing and coordinating agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area.

Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA)

CCTA is the public agency formed by Contra Costa voters in 1988 to manage the county’s half cent sales tax and to do countywide transportation planning.  The CCTA is responsible for maintaining and improving the county’s transportation system by planning, funding, and delivering critical transportation infrastructure projects and programs.

East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy

East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancyis a joint exercise of powers authority formed by the Cities of Brentwood, Clayton, Oakley and Pittsburg and Contra Costa County to implement the East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Community Conservation Plan (HCP/NCCP or Plan).  The Plan provides regional conservation and development guidelines to protect natural resources while improving and streamlining the permit process for endangered species and wetland regulations.

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