Parks and Facilities

City Hall Courtyard

The City Hall Courtyard is available to the public as a rental facility and is located directly outside of the entrance to City Hall. The Courtyard is landscaped, contains a fountain, and is partially encircled with concrete seating. This facility also includes accent lighting around the fountain, the building, and the flag pole as well as bathrooms and electrical outlets. There is an adjacent kitchen and an approximately 300 square foot conference room (24’X16’) within the first floor of City Hall.

The conference room contains a 12 foot table with the ability to accommodate seating for ten. Additional seating for ten is available around the perimeter of the room. Onsite storage is not available before or after the event is not available. Access is available through the main entrance of City Hall and is on a separate lock and security system than the remainder of the building. The City Hall parking lot contains 28 spaces and the adjacent library parking lot contains 64 spaces.

6000 Heritage Trail
Clayton, CA 94517

The City Hall Courtyard is available to reserve during the following times:

Weekdays: 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Weekends: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Rent City Hall Courtyard

The City Hall First Floor Conference Room is available to reserve daily, including weekends from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Please review the policies before continuing to the next step:


Applications must be submitted and paid for at least one month prior to the event date to ensure for adequate event planning and insurance requirements are met. However, we may be able to accommodate you.

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