
Trails and Landscape Committee

In 2007, the City Council appointed a Trails and Landscaping Committee to serve as the Citizens’ Oversight Committee to the Citywide Landscaping Maintenance District (CFD 2007-1).

This permanent citizen’s advisory committee oversees the operations and functions of the Landscape Maintenance District as well as serves as another avenue for citizens’ concerns on public roadway landscaping, public trails and open space maintenance issues and to make recommendations accordingly. If you would like to be part of this committee, fill out the application and return to the City Clerk. The Committee meets as needed typically 3 to 4 times annually. Agenda packets will be available the Friday before the meeting. The public is welcome to attend the meetings.  Please check the agenda for meeting information. If you would like more information please contact City Hall at 925-673-7300.

Openspace & Landscape Maintenance Areas Map

In June of 2016, the Clayton voters approved Measure H, a 10-year continuance to the existing Community Facilities District’s annual special property tax in order to fund the Citywide Trails and Landscape District’s annual operations and maintenance.

Past Financials for the Trails and Landscape District


Landscape Maintenance District Actual Expenses: FY 2014-15
Landscape Maintenance District Budget FY 2015-16
Landscape Maintenance District Budget – Mid-Year 2015-16
Landscape Maintenance District Budget History 2007-2016
Landscape Maintenance District Project History 2007-2017
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